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Hello Class 3,


For your first task this week, please log onto Mathletics using your log on code in your reading record and complete the assigned activities.

Next, spend a few extra minutes reading. This can be your school reading book, the reading for pleasure book, a book from home or a book on Oxford Reading Buddy. Please record all reading in your reading record.


Then, for this week's reading task, please complete a book recommendation. You could do this by recording a video or designing a poster. Don't forget to include the title of the book that you are recommending, the author of the book, who you think it would be suitable for (e.g. young children, people who like football, anyone who enjoys books written by ___) and what you like about the book.

This week, we will be starting to make our goggles cases in  our DT lesson.


We will provide everything they need, but if your child wants a particular colour or style of fabric, please feel free to send this in with them. They will need a piece of fabric that is about the about of an A4 piece of paper. 


Also, any donations of fabrics, thread and buttons would be gratefully received.


Monday 22nd April is World Earth Day.


As your final task this week, please research this.


You might want to consider the following questions:


Why do we have a Global Earth Day?

When did Global Earth Day start?

What is this year's theme for Global Earth Day?

What changes could you make to help our planet?


If possible, please bring in at least 2 plastic bottles that can be used for our craft activities on Monday. 


Don't forget to send in any work that you do.


Thank you,

The Year 3 Team

