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Governing Body


The School Governors have a central role to play in the leadership of the school, they are similar to a board of directors. They have legal powers and responsibilities in relation to the school and can only act together. They meet once every half term to help make decisions about how the school is run. They represent all sections of society, united by the wish to provide the best education for the children at Cookley Sebright Primary School with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at our school.


Our Governing Body has a strong focus on three core strategic functions:


  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. Holding the Headteacher of the school to account for the educational performance and well-being of the school and its pupils.
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school, making sure its money is well spent.


The Full Governing Body meets termly, alongside additional Finance and School Improvement Committee meetings.


Finance Committee

Karin Bareford, Janet Berry (C), Victoria Crisp, Katrina Pannell & Matt Terrado, 


School Improvement Committee

Janet Berry (C), Victoria Crisp, Sharon Davis, Dan Stanier & Matt Terrado


The Chair and Vice Chair are elected by all the governors every two years. All governors apart from the Headteacher and the nominee of the Rector of the Kidderminster Ismere Team Ministry hold office normally for a period of four years.


All parents at the school are eligible to vote and elect Parent Governors. You will be notified when any Parent elections are due. If you are interested in being involved in this capacity please ask for more information or speak to one of the governors who will be happy to tell you about their work.


Our Governing Body is set out below along with governors attendance at meetings since September 2017. The Clerk to the Governing Body is Hannah Stockley who can be contacted via


Current Governing Body 2023-24


             Jan Berry                       Sharon Davis                   

Jan Berry    











        Dan Stanier                     Katrina Pannell                  Karin Bareford



Governor’s Name


Type of Governor and Position

Appointed by:

Date appointed/


Expiry of Term of Office

Date Stepped Down

Karin Bareford

Local Authority

Governing Body


Re-appointed LA 30.11.23

Janet Berry

Ex-Officio Foundation Governor/

Chair of Governors

Governing Body


Appointed Chair 21.09.2020

re-appointed Chair 04.10.2022

Re-appointed 18.12.23


Victoria Crisp

Ex Officio Headteacher





Sharon DavisParent GovernorParent Election


Appointed Vice chair 16.04.24




Andrea Holmes

Co-opted Governor


Governing Body

Appointed 16.04.24



Katrina PannellParent GovernorParent Election06.12.2206.12.2026n/a   

Dan Stanier

Parent Governor

Parent Election

26.09. 2017

Re-appointed 01.10.2021



Matt TerradoStaff GovernorElected by School Staff

(Associate member with voting rights 08.07.2021-12.10.21)




Chris Nicholls, Foundation Governor Elected 20.11.2019, resigned 02.10.23

Kathryn O'Grady, Co-opted Governor 25.01.2021, Appointed Vice-Chair 13.10.2021, resigned 24.05.24


Cookley Sebright Primary School Register of Interests 


Governor Name% Attendance 23-24
Karin Bareford100%
Janet Berry 100%
Victoria Crisp100%
Sharon Davis100%
Andrea Holmes100%
Katrina Pannell100%
Dan Stanier57%
Matt Terrado100%