PE and Sports Premium
PE & Sports Premium
At Cookley Sebright, we know that PE and Sport is an important part of our school. Physical Education and the promotion of being active throughout the school day inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in physically- demanding activities and helps all our pupils to become confident in their own sporting ability.
We provide many opportunities for the children of our school to be active such as PE coaches being available at break and lunchtimes, Go Noodle Zoom sessions, after school sports clubs and as well as active learning in lessons.
We also believe that our pupils should have the opportunity to attend and compete in festivals or competitions to learn new skills and gain experience. Our pupils also compete in the inter- house competitions to build and develop the Wyre Forest Sports Values which include: determination, fairness, honesty, team work and respect.
Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
How we used our Sports Premium funding and planned future spend
All Stars/Dynamo Cricket Taster Day
All years had a experience day where they were partaking in cricket related activities. Each year group, from reception to Year 6, had time with the coach to develop their cricket skills.