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Happy New Year!


For your first task, please log onto Mathletics using your log on code in your reading record and complete the assigned activities.

Next, spend a few extra minutes reading. This can be your school reading book, the reading for pleasure book, a book from home or a book on Oxford Reading Buddy.


When you've finished, draw a picture of your favourite character from the book. Can you label your picture using the descriptive words and phrases from the text?


e.g. Grandad's eyes twinkled.

In our Picture News Assembly this week, we learnt about the annual British Birdwatch. We were all very interested. If you would like to take part at home, more information can be found at the RSPB.

This week in our Art lesson, we have been exploring abstract art.


We've looked at work by:


Wassily Kandinsky

Piet Mondrian

Jackson Pollock


Robert Delaunay


For your final task this week, produce an abstract piece of artwork. It can be a similar style to one of these artists or your own design.

Art with Mati and Dada - Jackson Pollock | Kids Animated Short Stories in English

Watch : Mati and Dada action paint with Jackson Pollock and end up deep inside a swirling action painting! Click Here to Subscribe Art with Mati and Dada is an animated series for kids from five to eight years old, co-produced by the Italian production company Achtoons and Rai Fiction, the production arm of the Italian Pubcast.

Kids Art| Lesson 5: Jackson Pollock "Action Painting"

Uploaded by Studio 212 Arts on 2020-04-27.

Piet Mondrian inspired Art Lesson

Uploaded by Ms. Shuler's Art Room on 2020-03-19.

Kids Art Lesson - Wassily Kandinsky Abstract Art

This is a video I made for my second grade students to help them learn about Wassily Kandinsky. What I love about abstract compositions like this is that it helps students to be mindful and purposeful as they arrange their artworks.

Easy Robert Delaunay Art Project: Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for Beginners

Easy Robert Delaunay Art Project - this video provides an easy, step-by-step drawing tutorial on how to sketch out an Easy Robert Delaunay Art Project. The tutorial is very easy to follow, and in a few minutes you'll be able to draw an Easy Robert Delaunay Art Project.

Thank you for completing your homework this week.

We are looking forward to see what you send us.


The Year 3 team!
