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For your first task, please log onto Mathletics using your log on code in your reading record and complete the assigned activities.

Next, spend a few extra minutes reading. This can be your school reading book, the reading for pleasure book, a book from home or a book on Oxford Reading Buddy. Then, draw an illustration to match the section of the book that you've read.

As today has been our Ancient Egyptian Day, for your final task this choose one activity from the list below.


- Produce a fact file containing some of the facts that you now know about Ancient Egypt.

- Draw a picture of your favourite activity of the day.

- Write a set of instructions for one of the activities listed below.

        - How to play Hounds and Jackals.

        - How to mummify a Pharaoh.

        - How to measure using cubits, palms and fingers.

- Write a diary entry about today.


We look forward to seeing what you produce and displaying it on the window of our classroom.


Don't forget to send your work to us at the class email address below.


Have a lovely weekend.

Thank you!

Year 3 Team

