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Hello Class 3,


For your first task this week, please log onto Mathletics using your log on code in your reading record and complete the assigned activities.

Next, spend a few extra minutes reading. This can be your school reading book, the reading for pleasure book, a book from home or a book on Oxford Reading Buddy. 


When you've finished, draw and label one of the characters from your book.

In our Art lesson this week, we have been drawing birds. 

For our homework, can we look for birds in the local area?

What birds do we see regularly? Can we sketch them?


There are some videos below that may help you with the basic shapes.

How to draw Easy Bird easy steps for children. beginners

How to draw Easy Bird-in easy steps for children, kids, beginners lesson.Tutorial of drawing technique . Drawing tutorial,Art Tutorial Youtube Video You can watch the video at slow speed or pause if you want. It is fun to draw Easy Bird, Easy Bird easy to draw and you will like the result.Draw step by step.

Simple Bird Drawing | Easy Pencil Sketch and Shading #drawing

drawing - Learn How to draw a bird step by step easy. Pencil sketch tutorial and basic shading with cotton buds. #bird_drawing 💚 For Drawing online videos Visit my channel QWE Art here: ▽ Facebook link: ------------------------------------------ About the video: In this video I am going to show you how to draw a simple bird.

A few reminders:


 - Don't forget to learn your spellings for your test on Monday. 

 - Your log on codes are in your reading records if you want to explore any online platforms.


We can't wait to see your finished sketches. Please complete your homework before Thursday and send to us at the following email address.


Thank you,

The Year 3 Team
