Hello Class 3,
For your first task this week, please log onto Mathletics using your log on code in your reading record and complete the assigned activities.
Also, take a few minutes to practise your 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables.
The Autumn 2 Kirf newsletter is attached if you want some ideas to help you practise your 3 times table.
Don't forget that next week, we are taking part in the England Rocks competition on Times Tables Rock Stars.
If you have a spare few minutes, why not log on to have a practise?
Please spend a few minutes reading. You can choose a book from home, read your reading book or read a book on Oxford Reading Buddy.
For your final task this week, re-watch the Mr Hublot video that we watched in English. If you had a mechanical pet, what would it be? Design your own mechanical or robot pet.
Don't forget to send in any work that you do.
Thank you,
The Year 3 Team