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For your first task, please log onto Mathletics using your log on code in your reading record and complete the assigned activities.

Don't forget to practise your 2, 5, 10, 3 and 4 times tables.

Then, for your reading task this week, please log onto Oxford Reading Buddy and complete a quiz linked to one of the books at your level.

On Tuesday we really enjoyed our walk around the village. When we returned to school, we drew a sketch map of the village.


For your final task this week, either go for a short walk and draw a simple sketch map of where you go or design your own town to draw a sketch map of. (It could even be a sketch map of a Christmas wonderland!)


Don't forget to use a map symbols and a key.

Fun for children: How to make a town map

Martha Maps It Out author-illustrator Leigh Hodgkinson talks kids through how to draw and make the town of their dreams.

Don't forget to send your ideas to us on our class email.


Thank you,

The Year 3 Team
