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Hello Class 3,


For your first activity today, please complete your set tasks on Mathletics.


Then, please practise your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables that we have been doing in school. You could do this by playing on Mathletics or Times Tables Rockstars, singing along to the BBC Supermovers or You Tube times tables videos or by designing your own times tables games. Follow the link below to some of the times tables songs that we've sung in school.

After that, please read some of a book. This could be your school reading book, your reading for pleasure book, a book on Reading Buddy, a book from home or a Christmassy text. Then think about, who would enjoy reading this text and why?

As this time of year is so busy, take a few moments to practise some of your mindfulness skills. 

Christmas Snowflake Breathing Exercise for Older Children in the Holidays!

This mindful breathing is for older children because it contains a breath hold after every inhale.

Snowy Sensations! Calm Christmas Mindfulness for Kids (Visualisation)

Use your imagination to sense the snowflakes on your skin. A different type of Body Scan! This calming brain break is suitable for children aged 5-11.

Magic Snow Globe | Anxiety Helper | Kids Mindfulness

ANXIETY HELPER (SHAKE & SETTLE WORRIES) - Magic Snow Globe by Jeff Warren | ages 6-10 © For this adventure, we beam you inside an imaginary snow globe, and explore how it feels inside our bodies when the swirling snows of anxiety start to settle, settle, settle...
