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Parents Against Child Exploitation


Pace helps parents across the UK understand what is happening to their child and how parents are the prime agents in helping their child exit exploitative relationships. It does this by offering:

  • One-to-one telephone advice and support to parents
  • Facilitating meetings with similarly-affected parents for peer support
  • Advising how to establish rights as parents and work in partnership with statutory agents such as police and social workers
  • Advice and support when pursuing disruption and prosecution of the perpetrators of child sexual exploitation
  • Befriending scheme

One-to-one telephone advice and support

Pace understands that just as every child is unique, every family’s situation requires an individual response. Therefore we offer one-to-one telephone support for parents whose children are being sexually exploited, or for those who are concerned their child is at risk.

Our parent support workers provide independent, non-judgmental and confidential support, which fully recognises your rights as a parent and your decisions on how to reduce the risk of harm to your child. We are here to listen to your concerns, give information on statutory agencies and procedures and to pass on advice from other affected parents, should you require it. We will never blame you for what is happening to your child and aim to help you find the best solution for your family.

Parent Network Days

Pace holds Parent Network Days around England to allow parents affected by child sexual exploitation to meet each other and share their experiences. The idea is to reduce isolation, share knowledge and create independent support networks. Pace can also organise workshops that focus on particular concerns – such as how to record and collect evidence for the police or preparing your child to give a police statement or appear in court.

Many parents choose to attend Parent Network Days even when their child has exited an exploitative relationship. They understand the difficulties faced by parents new to the situation and want to offer hope of a positive outcome. Others find that they need to support to deal with the aftermath of their child’s sexual exploitation. Some parents feel that parents’ voices are marginalised in government discussions on child sexual exploitation and wish to campaign with Pace to change this. Click here for information and dates for the next Parent Network Day.

Secure Parent Forum

For the time in between network days, parents of a child who is at risk or being exploited can offer and receive mutual support through our secure online forum. The parent forum is a safe space for parents to connect online to get to know each other and to share experiences, information on what works, news, and support to keep going when things are difficult. Find out more about what parents are saying about the forum and how to join here.

Befriending scheme

Depending on your location, Pace can also offer a voluntary befriending scheme to help break the isolation many parents feel and provide a friendly yet informed ear.

Pace volunteer befrienders are fully trained and supported to develop a non-judgemental relationship with a parent, based on mutual trust and an ability to empathise with the issues that parents present. Matches are designed to last between 6 – 12 months.

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