What is Prevent?
Prevent is the Government’s strategy to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism, in all its forms. Prevent works with individuals and communities by using voluntary early intervention to encourage them to challenge extremist and terrorist ideology and behaviour. “Safeguarding vulnerable people from radicalisation is no different from safeguarding them from other forms of harm."
Counter Terrorism Policing has launched a new safeguarding website to encourage family and friends to share concerns, that a friend or loved one might be vulnerable to radicalisation.
Is someone close becoming a stranger?
It can be hard to know what to do if you’re worried someone close is expressing extreme views or hatred, which could lead to them harming themselves or others. Working with other organisations, the police protect vulnerable people from being exploited by extremists through a Home Office programme called Prevent.
Family and friends know when something’s not right. You can spot worrying behaviour at an early stage and help the person you care about get the support they may need to move away from extremism.
Sometimes the person’s behaviour can be linked to other issues and is not connected to radicalisation. If you’re not sure, you could talk to other friends or family members first and they may help you decide if it’s the right time to seek help.