Week 5 Homework - Given out on Friday 8th December 2023
Maths Homework
Mathletics Activity Set
Webpage link to login: https://login.mathletics.com/?_ga=2.36696288.1172122175.1641416588-351813885.1641416587
I'll be able to see these scores online.
Science Homework - Sound online video and quiz
Click on link below to complete the quiz and watch the video on based.
Link: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/what-are-pitch-and-frequency-6gr64t
I only need score for the first quiz on the link (the second quiz is a bonus if you want to complete it)
You can bring in the score on a piece of paper
Or, if you want, you can email the score to: class4@cookleyprimary.worcs.sch.uk