Working Together
Additional support for learning that is available for pupils with SEND
All school staff have a good awareness of SEND through regular staff meetings and training. Class teachers and teaching assistants receive targeted relevant training for specific pupil needs as they arise.
We work with the following support services and outside agencies to provide support for pupils with SEND:
Expertise and training of staff to support pupils with SEND, including how specialist expertise will be secured
How equipment and facilities to support children with SEND will be secured
The type of support, equipment and facilities needed to support children with SEN is led by the child’s individual need. Children with an Education, Health and Care plans (EHCP) will have an amount of time to be given as a minimum, to ensure that they are able to meet their targets. Their EHCP clearly lays out the type of support needed as a recommendation.
Other children will also receive support linked to their needs as indicated on their IPM. This support may take various forms:
How the effectiveness of the provision made for pupils with SEND is evaluated
We evaluate the effectiveness of provision for pupils with SEND by:
For pupils with SEND, parents can also discuss progress at parents’ evenings, though appointments to see either the class teacher or SENCo can be made at any time by contacting the school office. Parents Evenings are also times when discussions can take place about how best to support a child at home. |
Support for Improving Emotional and Social Development
We endeavour to support all children in their personal, social and emotional development. All children follow a structured Personal, Social, Health and Education (PSHE) which looks at helping them understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. Learning opportunities take place in specific lessons as well as in assemblies, special school projects and other activities that enrich pupils’ experiences.
Pastoral Care We do run interventions that can be used to support pupils experiencing difficulties with their social and emotional development such as Socially Speaking. We work with outside agencies to use a range of assessment materials to determine the support needed, such as Boxall Profile or PIVATS.
Our school also helps promote and develop self-esteem and confidence by having reward systems in place, and a weekly awards assembly.
The school’s Anti-bullying policy is located in the School Behaviour Policy: |
How Cookley Sebright Primary School works with other agencies in meeting pupils’ SEND needs and supporting their families
We have access to a wide range of professionals and outside agencies to work with and support children and their families. If we feel that your child or family would benefit from a referral to an outside agency, then we would always contact you to discuss this. Parents/Carers consent for these services will always be sought.
Each term a School Support Team (SST) meeting takes place with the Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist (SALT), a member of Learning Support Team (LST) and, when necessary a member of Behaviour Support Team (BST) consulting with the SENCo.
Educational Services:
Outreach Services:
Health Services:
How the Governors are involved and what their responsibilities are