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Working with Parents/Carers and Children

What are the arrangements for consulting parents/carers of children with SEND and involving them in their child’s education?

If you are worried or concerned that you think your child may have special educational needs, talk to us. In the first instance contact your child’s class teacher.


Parents/carers will be notified at any early stage if the school becomes concerned about a child’s learning development. We will also have a discussion with the child too. These conversations will make sure that:


  • Everyone develops a good understanding of the child’s areas of strength and difficulty
  • We take into account the parent’s concerns
  • Everyone understands the agreed outcomes sought for the child
  • Everyone is clear on what the next steps are


Any notes of these discussions will be added to the child’s record and a copy given to the parents. We will formally notify parents when it is decided that a child will receive SEN Support.

What are the arrangements for consulting children at Cookley Sebright and involving them in their child’s education?

Individual Provision Maps (IPM) targets are reviewed with children. Individual assessment results are discussed with children enabling them to understand why targets have been selected. Children share their thoughts and opinions on the ‘pupil view’ box. Pupils will be involved in creating their ‘pupil passport’ which will allow them to share how best they learn, their strengths etc.

The Graduated Approach


The class teacher and/or SENCo to carry out child observations, hold discussions with staff and parents/carers to identify and analyse the child’s needs.



Hold discussions with parents, colleagues or any specialists who are involved to plan for what support will be put in place.



Implement the support as planned with class teachers, support staff and teaching assistants working together with support from the SENCo.



Discuss with others involved about how effective the support has been and the impact on the child with the review date. Parents/carers should have clear information about the impact of the support and interventions provided enabling them to be involved in planning next steps.


The class teacher will work with the SENCo to create an Individual Provision Map (IPM).  This will draw on:

  • The teacher’s assessment and experience of the pupil
  • Their previous progress and attainment and behaviour
  • The individual’s development in comparison to their peers and national data
  • Views from the pupil and their parents/carers
  • Advice from outside agencies


This IPM will be reviewed regularly. All teachers and teaching assistants who work with the pupil will be made aware of their needs, the outcomes sought, the support provided, and any teaching strategies or approaches that are required. We will regularly review the effectiveness of the support and interventions and their impact on the pupil’s progress.

