For your first task, please log onto Mathletics using your log on code in your reading record and complete the assigned activities.
Then, for your reading task this week, please log onto Oxford Reading Buddy and complete a quiz linked to one of the books at your level.
Don't forget that Friday 21st June is our
Ancient Egyptian Day.
Please check The Gateway for the details of this event and remember your costume!
Today, we started our final DT sequence of Year 3. At the end of the sequence, we will be making a Summer salad using some of the produce that we have been growing in our planter in the school garden. For this week's task, please explore different salads.
What ingredients have been used?
How colourful are they?
Which salad you do like the look of? Why?
Have you tasted any of them?
What did you like/dislike?
What would you like to include in a salad?
Don't forget to send your ideas to us on our class email.
Thank you,
The Year 3 Team