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Homework 27.11.2023

Main Task

Thank you so much for all of your effort researching the Greek gods and goddesses! This week's homework task is slightly shorter but is due in sooner (Friday 1st December) and will be used in our Music lesson.


Please interview a member of your family or local community, asking them to explain some of the changes they have seen in Cookley in the time they have lived in or around this area. This could be changes in buildings and how they are used, shops, different food that is now available, or even fashion trends (I have heard it said that Castle Road is a world famous catwalk!)!



Some more activities have been set on Mathletics. It would also be a good idea to practise some TT Rockstars!





A class challenge has been set to read every day this week! There are housepoints up for grabs for the tables who manage to achieve 5/5 days for each person!
