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Homework 8.1.2024

Main Task


To support our RE topic all about what it means to be a Muslim in Britain today, I would like you to create a factfile about a famous British Muslim! You should find the following information:


- their name

- their profession

- something interesting about their life

- anything else you think I should know!


Please present your information carefully, taking pride in your work!


Some examples of people to research are Sadiq Khan, Mo Farah (CBE) and Nadiya Hussain!




Every week, you should focus on the tricky words on your 'extra support' sheet first! I will have told you in school if you should focus on the green words only.





Activities have been set as usual on Mathletics. Please keep on top of these so that you are revising the most relevant content to you. Let's get more Year 5s on the leaderboard!




Please complete one book and quiz (at least!) on Reading Buddy. A screenshot of the completed quiz can be emailed to the class email address as evidence!
