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wb 13.11.23

Hello Year 1,

Below you will find this week's spelling words, a link to Mathletics to complete this week's activity and an extra task linked to our wider curriculum. The spellings are organised so there are 3 accessible spellings, 4 spellings linked to our sound that we are looking at this week, 2 tricky words and a challenging word using this week's sound.

If you would like to send photos of any homework, our class email is:

Please note that this email is for homework only and is set to receive incoming mail only. If you have a message that requires a response, please send it to the Gateway where it will be forwarded to me.

Have a great week!

Mrs Rees


*** Remember to bring in your reading book every day. ***

*** Our PE days for this half term are Monday and Friday. Please come to school dressed in your PE kit.***


On Wednesday we are celebrating 'Times Tables Rockstars' Day and dressing in red and white! As we are yet to look at multiplication in Maths, I won't be setting Times Tables Rockstars just yet but I would like you to log on to Numbots to practise your number bonds.


Remember, you can earn special mentions and certificates in Star of the Week assembly for the most amount of points collected on Mathletics. See if you can get a mention or certificate this week!



This half term, our PSHE topic is 'Valuing Difference'. Compare yourself with another member of your family. Draw or make a list of all the things that you both have that are the same (2 eyes, eye colour, hair colour etc) and draw or make a list of all the things that make you different to each other (talents, height, food preferences etc). 
