Wk 4 wb 24.06.24
Hello Year 1,
Below you will find this week's spelling words, a link to Mathletics to complete this week's activity and an extra task linked to our wider curriculum. The spellings are organised so there are 3 accessible spellings, 4 spellings linked to our sound that we are looking at this week, 2 tricky words and a challenging word using this week's sound.
If you would like to send photos of any homework, our class email is:
Please note that this email is for homework only and is set to receive incoming mail only. If you have a message that requires a response, please send it to the Gateway where it will be forwarded to me.
Have a great week!
Mrs Rees
***Sports Day Tuesday 25th June (reserve date Thursday 27th June).See school calendar for details.***
*** Remember to bring in your reading book every day. ***
***PE days this half term are Monday and Friday.***
***Additional adults in the classroom this half term will be: Miss Pyke (until the end of June), Mrs Machin (Monday mornings), Miss Wheeler (Wednesday mornings) and Miss Harris (Friday afternoon).***
***Miss Pyke's last day with us will be Friday 28th June.***
This week, we will start our new Geography topic on Hot and Cold Places. We will look at globes and atlases to found out that the nearer a place is to the equator, the hotter it is and and the further away a place is from the equator, the colder it is. Imagine you are going to visit a hot place and a cold place. What items would you pack to take with you? Make a list of things to take to both places. You could look at a world map and choose the hot and cold destinations that you would want to visit.